Admission Procedure

We thank you for showing interest in SSR WONDER KIDS SCHOOL. Interested parents can visit the school on any day of the week between 9 am to 4 pm to get the information personally.

Age Criteria:

The age criteria for SSR Wonder Kids School is determined through detailed discussions with people who understand child psychology and growth patterns so that the children are not over-burdened with academic curriculum.


S.No Programme Age
1 Nursery

3 years completed as on 01-06-2024

(Born on or before 31-05-2021)

2 LKG (PP-I)

4 years completed as on 01-06-2024

(Born on or before 31-05-2020)


5 years completed as on 01-06-2024

(Born on or before 31-05-2019)

4 Grade-I

6 years completed as on 01-06-2024

(Born on or before 31-05-2018)

5 Grade-II

7 years completed as on 01-06-2024

(Born on or before 31-05-2017)

6 Grade-III

8 years completed as on 01-06-2024

(Born on or before 31-05-2016)

7 Grade-IV

9 years completed as on 01-06-2024

(Born on or before 31-05-2015)

8 Grade-V

10 years completed as on 01-06-2024

(Born on or before 31-05-2014)


We stipulated age limit may be relaxed at the discretion of the school admission committee based on performance of the child.

Grade School:

Our grade school is operational from the academic year 2022-23 with Grade 1 and eventually progresses with higher grades one year at a time, Grade 2 in 2023, Grade 3 in 2024, Grade 4 in 2025 and Grade 5 in 2026.

The following documents to be submitted along with the admission form:
  1. Photo copy of the Date of Birth certificate of the child
  2. Photo copy of the Aadhar cards (child and parents)
  3. Passport size photographs of the child (6)
  4. Passport size photographs of the parents (3 each)
  5. Previous school report (if applicable)
  6. Personal Education Number (PEN)
  7. Medical report certified by Physician
Download Admission Form

General Guidelines: